Why we need another Polo? Soon we will have new real Impreza (from news line on WRC.com) , it will much more interesting...
I agree with you but this Subaru doesn't called Impreza. It's Subaru WRX STi in new specification NR4. Also the Toyota released GT86 CS-R3 car.
And that cars in my opinion should be done. What cars makers do it is their decision. :)
Oh, it is just nowhttps://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t31.0-8/12248258_10153277269475678_8836633115622187591_o.jpg
Why we need another Polo? Soon we will have new real Impreza (from news line on WRC.com) , it will much more interesting...
OdpovědětVymazatI agree with you but this Subaru doesn't called Impreza. It's Subaru WRX STi in new specification NR4. Also the Toyota released GT86 CS-R3 car.
VymazatAnd that cars in my opinion should be done. What cars makers do it is their decision. :)
VymazatOh, it is just now