8. 5. 2015

Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2015

WIP car Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2015 (by Kubrt)
Source: ŠkodaFabiaWRC-RBR

12 komentářů:

  1. How many Fiesta WRC are made in same time !!!

  2. zatim nejpeknejsi model fiesty :)

  3. Super, I am looking forward to this car.

  4. Much better than that flat car of Garyson!! Nice work! This is great

  5. :/ Guys please stop acting so immature,don't be so ungrateful i suggest you to looking back!! Garyson or Kubrt Jalonso,Mokumoku,David74,Kazuma,G.Rodriguez,Arecer,Roysteph and so many i didn't mention all are genius they're in need of encouragement and thanks so please be thankful there is no need to these harsh critic ;-) ( thank you so much Kubrt nice job !!keep up the good awesome work )

  6. Pěkná práce.Škoda jen že Kubrt se nepustil do Favorita.Toho bych uvítal víc jak druhou fiestu.Každopádně to má opět krásné.Vážím si každého kdo umí dělat modely ať je to Garyson,Kazuma,Mokumoku atd.....Každé nové auto je oživení RBR.Tak ať se všem daří a nenechají se ničím a nikým adradit!!! Mějte se krásně.

  7. byla by škoda nepoužít základ z R5tky pro WRC... tohle mě moc potěšilo, díky Kubrte :)

  8. many thanks and cheers up Dear Kubrt.as everyone can see, this amazing model is almost done :p hell yeah !!! i feel like it will come so soon M-Sport beast will be so soon FREE!
    Thank you so much Dear Kubrt and thank you to all modders who gave us these precious gifts

  9. Well Hello Kubrt i'm wondering if is there any further news on this big W.I.P amazing car!! in the meanwhile i wish you all the best with this big work good luck and thank you Kubrt

  10. Great. Lot of 4WD cars but no one is front wheel drive. anybody trying to do R2 Fiesta?
