25. 12. 2013

Northumbria 1.0

NEW track Northumbria 1.0 (classic format track by Eno72)
Source: Eno72 3D Track Modelling for RBR

18 komentářů:

  1. jak jsme resili tu kombinaci soto/asfalt, tak me napada, ze tady je to realne, Irsko pred a po vstupu do EU :D

  2. To jo Vyshi,ale tady budeš moct jezdit jednu třeba tak a druhou hned jinak a na pluginu klidně i v rámci jednoho závodu,etapy,sekce.Ty tratě by se mohli zapsat na docela hodně dlouho,jako třeba tratě někde z Rally Championship,tyto si ale asi nikdy nebudu moct tak nějak zařadit.Tratě můžou zapadat sněhem,můžou se měnit v rámci roční doby,ale nahodit je v asfalt i šoto verzi,jen ať je hlavně co jezdit,není podle mě pro trať samotnou do budoucna přínos.Stejně jako překopat třeba Autiovaaru,přihodit tam stromy a nazývat to Autiovaara šoto verze.Autiovaara je dle mě jen jedna,mohla by být i druhá,ovšem jen s odtátým sněhem.Jako příklad ještě uvedu třeba Semetín,Šumburk,co takhle tam navozit tuny písku a udělat z toho i šoto verzi,ať je na čem závodit.To si prostě neumím a ani nechci představit.

    1. Ja taky nemusim kdyz trat je udelana s vicero povrchu. Mam radsi kdyz je to bud sotolina-snih nebo asfalt-snih. Kdyz uz je kombinace sotolina-asfalt, udelal bych jednu zrcadlove obracenou, at to neni stejne.

  3. If you translate into English, I can maybe participate to the discussion.

    1. we are just discussing, if it's good to make gravel/tarmac variants of same track. it has its pros and cons.. we have more tracks to drive, but that track loses its exclusivity and originality

    2. I generally agree, in fact I never let anyone to make different versions of my other tracks, because they reproduce real locations.
      This time the track, for some reasons, is fictional, so it was easy to make the tarmac version and I found it very nice.
      Both versions are available, anyone can then choose his preferred one, even if I perfectly know that this is not so realistic. But in the end this is a simulation, and my choice was to exploit even more the available layout.

    3. well the discusscion was more general than about Northumbria. anyway, it's your track and your choice ;)
      we can just hope that if anyone will make any online rally in future, he won't use any unlogical combination of both versions(e.g. both in same etape, or even worse one by one)

      anyway, great track, like the othera of you, thank you

  4. Kdyby nekdo mel zajem, hlavne nekdo kdo bezne nepridava neinstalacni mapu. Udelal jsem loading screeny a je prilozen i odstavecek pro vlozeni do track.ini .. ZIPy jsou bez mapovych souboru prozatim. Urceno pro cesky plugin.

    Northumbria - Gravel:

    Northumbria - Tarmac:

    Vice na: www.promos.4fan.cz/download/prehled-trati-rbr

    1. Kompletni manualni instalace

      Northumbria - Gravel:

      Northumbria - Tarmac:

      Thank you Eno72

  5. It is a fantastic special stage again, Eno72. Thank you. The road has a really nice flow throughout, and visually everything seem so realistic (even though I rarely have time to admire the view when going flat out).

    The pacenotes may not be perfect, but perfection is overrated. I'm certainly not the one to "complain". ;-) I'd say they're good enough, which may not be the most constructive thing to say if perfection is something worth striving for. If I was to try harder:

    - I noticed one corner was totally missing (about 1.1km, I'd say it's Fast Left). The place is out there in the open, but since it's always nice to hear pacenotes, so why not put it in there too?

    - Overall, there clearly is a sense of logic, with only couple of corners having a note 1 step too fast, but obviously these things are always more of an opinion than a fact. Like in 4,7km there's this K Right where I'd go safe and put 90 Right but I'm sure no-one else would.

    - Then for the sake of boring discussion, quite close to the finish there is a place with "medium right tightens bad". While it all may be true, to me the tightening bit is so immediate that I would just drop it straight to 90 without anything else.

    For lighter side of things, one thing I don't always enjoy that much - and it is the same for Loch Ard actually - is that the visibility for some of the tighter left turns is heavily restricted by trees. It's always the left turns and they more or less terrify me. OK, it seems to add to the challenge and just maybe it's part and parcel of driving from a cockpit view, but there are certainly one or two instances where I'd prefer a rock or a post or anything else really, as long as it's not a tree. :-)

    Mind you, it wasn't that bad during the 5th run...

    1. thanks for your remarks, I agree with you for the pacenotes, especially the missing one and the medium right which should be called a tighter one. This time I took care of pacenotes by myself, because, even when helped by more experienced drivers, users found a thousand complaints...
      So I even leave freedom to the users and to the online mods to create better pacenotes if they want (as described in the track license).
      As for trees... I couldn't prevent them to grow up, I'm sorry!

    2. and btw, when i go on low details, there is track missing on two places(somewhere in the middle, if you want solve it, i will specify it)

    3. I'm sorry for this issue, I never use low details. This is due to visual optimization and to the primitive LOD system of RBR. In open areas, close and far objects must be combined into groups, otherwise you have very annoying pop up effects. Low detail reduces the LOD IN of RBR and amplifies the problem to the point you highlighted.
      As for performance, the 3D model is indeed heavy; I use a medium PC two years old and have 60fps all over (with vsync on) in full HD and heavy antialias. Maybe the key is a good video card with at least 1GB (I have a GTX560).
      I'll see if I can optimize a bit more in a possible 1.1 version.
      For the time being, enjoy!

  6. nevím,kde je chyba,ale nechce se mě to načíst a okamžitě hra padá

  7. hmm to iste mam aj ja

  8. Musíte použít to z toho prvního Ini , pro ten testing to nefunguje , tak že vám to v šhaku nahradí Harwood Forest a Cote :) , jinak fakt nádherná trat , ale nechal bych tu jen šotolinu , na šotolinu se hodí daleko více :) fakt hezké místa na srdce , přesně to co mam rád , klobouk dolu

  9. jj,dik za radu uz to jede.I když mám raději šotolinu tak sem se hodí i ta asfaltová verze.Opravdu krásná rz

  10. To Autor of this stages. On both version i have a strange FPS drop. In the RBR fps meter shows always 90-120 FPs average, but games jump. On tarmac, game shake all the time, on gravel version its shake about half of stage (1km befor the 500m long straight till the twisty road and stops on the bridge. My PC dont have problem in other stages like sumburk, semetin on three screen, and on norhumbria thats "shake" on one (1) screen! Stage is excellent.
