
1. 12. 2021

RBR P.O.R.N. 3.0 RSF

WIP mod  RBR P.O.R.N. 3.0 (by Don Pedro)

6 komentářů:

  1. We expected people to mess up our carefully crafted visuals, but it still hurts to see such screenshots. If something like that becomes popular, I am done with trackmaking, because there would be no way to produce good quality stuff anymore.

    1. I fully support you. Of course, we all understand that some are trying to improve, which is already good, and you can't blame them for it:-) but, in this particular case, it clearly got worse. You can see it even from the screenshots. I really appreciate your work, and it does not require any improvements :-)

    2. Author here:
      This is an odd thing to say: Threatening of quitting because at some point in the future someone might come and use a color palette you might not like? Nothing of what I´m doing reflects on or is taking away any of your work. It only reflects on the quality of my work.
      “looks worse” compared to what? Biskupice outright didn´t even have anything resembling sunny/bright conditions. There isn´t even anything to compare my results to. RBR (not your stage in particular) does a very bad job by default displaying “sunny” and “bright”, addressing this is pretty much the sole point of these reshades.
      And the specified particles for each stage included within my downloads are also merely ADDING to the default experience while not taking anybodys work away. (I even have permission from Martinez to alter and distribute his particles (PS_Poland), which I never did by the way. These particle files are all genuinely made by me to replace the heavily outdated looking default RBR ones).
      Turns out I have a lot to say about this but I try to make it reasonably short. I even have to assume you are not going to read this anyway so I´m using this opportunity to at least position and to explain my work, in the canon of RBR mods. There is nothing malicious going on here. As everybody else here I´m trying to improve RBR and widen its base. I´m not even doing anything dramatically new: I´m just building and then combining different approaches (particles along with weather settings along with re-textures of the default RBR stages, along with reshade) into one quite well fitting, quite weirdly named, package that works best in conjunction but can also be used separately - or combined with e.g. reshades by other authors - in all instances and conditions, up and down on all RBR platforms. Or to not being used at all, which is a point often overlooked, it seems.
      But I´d like to take this conversation to some place where a constructive dialogue is possible. I´m really curious about your thoughts.
      Is there a way to contact you? Both of you? Anyone?

    3. We are happy with the stage visuals and all those limitations have their purpose (including the limited weathers selection). That's why the notice "no modifications" in the splash screen & installer.
      So you either accept it - then please exclude our work from your mod - or ignore it.

      We admit there is a room for improvements, that's why we are constantly improving our trackbuilding workflow - as this is the only way how to actually make the graphics better. Hopefully we will prove it with the next stages.

    4. Good day to you:-) sometimes it seems to me that I personally should not express my "personal opinion" at all:-) I really love RBR, and I have great respect for all the people who create anything for this game. I'm just a user, and I can hardly imagine how much time and work all the authors put into their work. I didn't want to offend anyone with my comment, it's just that I personally like the "original" versions of these tracks more, and someone else will like what you did with them more:-)when the 1st Colin Dirt game came out, half of the people wrote in the comments that it was disgusting, others, on the contrary, admired:-)the problem is that I am sure that those who create their tracks for RBR value them very much and treat them as their children:-) are these tracks good or not, this is their creativity:-) and I understand perfectly well that it is worth respecting their opinion. Of course, sometimes the transformation of the original makes it better, sometimes worse. Let each RBR player decide for himself :-)

