19. 9. 2012

Hondarribia discount

LINK track Hondarribia (classic format track by  EC Sim Hardware)
Source: EC SimHardware 
Info: Někdy je asi dost obtížné vydat trať se záměrem alespoň minimálního finančního ocenění.  Proto EC Sim Hardware už nějaký čas nabízejí nový způsob stažení své trati Hondarribia. Pro jednouživatelskou licenci je nyní podmíněna darem 6 Euro a z vlastní zkušenosti mohu říci, že reakce je okamžitá, loading celkem dlouhý, zážitek z jízdy prvotřídní :-)

9 komentářů:

  1. Finally a track we can buy for personal use rather than available only for online multiplayer. Great!

  2. Přiznám se že nejvíc mě překvapilo, že mejl s download linkem mi došel okamžitě po "darování". Žádné zdržovačky :-)

  3. As I say early - track without plugin support - is unnecessary... Only after drivers want to buy it...

  4. I do not understand why EC Sim Hardware have devised special license for plugins. When everyone donates 6 Euro per track, so it's no longer needed.
    Donors should be able to use online and offline as well. Then the participants will be a lot.
    This stage is really great.

  5. Čo to tu zasa mele Raly Guru. A čo má ten tvorca tratí z toho, že sú jeho trate na online plugine ? To isté, ako keď ich tam nemá...
    Dar za trate nespôsobuje prekážku, aby boli trate na pluginoch. To by potom neboli na českom plugine skoro všetky nové trate...o licenciach radšej pomlčte.

  6. I do not fully understand what you write Miro. But I say, that the finaly result would be higher, if the due track all plugins. People really would like to buy it...

    PS. I buy and taste this track. What I can to say:
    Track loading very slow ( I have strong PC mashine i7 processor and ech..), but don't have any FPS lag and this is good.
    Next point is, in main weather condition all is fine. But when I try fog, I think creators must more to work on and have better result or take it from others tracks, for night the same.
    Oh forgot, in some places textures or not finish, or not did like we now all accustomed...
    Next - pace note, is started but not finish. Yes is not scary you can used PcaeNote plugin and make you own and it's better way.. :) . But always want have best :)
    Any way I like this track and hope in future I find it in plugin...

  7. :)

    Pacenote is from Eneko Zelaieta - real rally driver in the Rallysprint Hondarribia.

  8. I don't know how any others drive with PaceNotes, but for me call distance is very important. In stage, it's realized up to middle stage. In some parts from start, is missing too... As I say, this is not critical

  9. RBR-LT

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