13. 3. 2023

Peugeot 208 T16 R5 v1.2 on RSF

LINK car Peugeot 208 T16 R5 v1.2 (by Kubrt & WorkerBee)
true RSF game menu, also on GVR forum

12 komentářů:

  1. oh great, we have a plenty of skins to remake :D
    anyway finally we can drive the 208 too

  2. More A8 and early wrc pleaseee

  3. Asking for cars is not idiotic. However, what is kind of ”idiotic” is that modern RBR physics (aka. NGP) is behind one person and his personal preferences. It is like a black box and asking for new cars is strongly prohibited. Will be interesting if e.g. one day his and RSF’s preferences would somehow begin to seperate.

  4. ""Will be interesting if e.g. one day his and RSF’s preferences would somehow begin to seperate""
    What an incoherent piece of non-sequitur. Noone dictates to Bee which cars to release. The preferences of other people do not matter to him one bit, you hilarious smoothbrain.

  5. Wow, what a strong reaction to my previous post! :) Just to be clear, contrary to the guesses made, I’m not Carlo nor any other active member of the community, just an active observer of the RBR community. Currently I’m writing an investigative piece about the curious phenomena around this ’abandonware’ (although strictly speaking IPs are held by Embracer Group).

    Regarding the quote above, the poster completely missed my point. I am more than aware that NGP doesn’t have any regard towards wishes made by anyone. I specifically mentioned that the process is currently ”a black box”, which referred to the exact fact stated: complete authority over the developmental roadmap and cars chosen. This creates several risks for the RBR community.

  6. Hahaha, that’s one marvellous quote right there! :D However, I am pretty sure I won’t use it… :) But thanks anyway Hawk! Long live RBR!

  7. Interesting discussion here. I wouldn't be surprised if the person who is calling idiots to people who ask for cars and who tell the true about the current state of rbr/ngp development is actually bee itself. Anyway, keep enjoying rbr while it lasts.
