20. 9. 2021

Ford Fiesta Rally4 Armstrong

NEW skin Ford Fiesta Rally4 Armstrong / Hall Croatia Rally 2021 (by ASA)

7 komentářů:

  1. Jakožto tvůrce designu si jen postesknu nad tím, jak strašně špatné tohle je... Design je v reálu úplně jiný, a tvůrce si mě teda znepřátelil když dokázal místo loga Keane Design (KD) napsat na tu kapotu "K7" ... Samozřejmě nehledě na to, že rozložení designu je taky naprosto špatně a nereprezentuje to skutečný produkt.. :(

    1. Pamatuju časy, kdy jsi sám skiny vydával a myslím, že by spousta lidí byla za nějakou další tvoji práci vděčná.
      Zatím nám ale musí stačit amatérské dílko (zajisté) nadšeného fanouška ;-)
      (i když to K7 je fakt přešlap).

    2. It is true that "K7" is an error but I have not found the logo.

      I would ask you for a little respect for my work, I have never criticized other people's work even though they make mistakes.



    3. The thing is, that I don't think you should post the first thing you do, looking at this design it seems that you have so much to learn, to be honest, I dont really care about the KD, the design is wrong in all aspects, everything is pretty much different to the real one.

      I think you should learn and try a bit more and then it can be very good.

    4. To end the discussion because I don't want to disturb Myra43.

      Of course I have many things to improve, but you should be a little more humble.

      I am a graphic designer and I make these skins in my spare time so that everyone can enjoy them for free.


    5. I have to agree with Keane here. It is not acceptable to be honest. Your other creations look good/great but the Jon Armstrong Fiesta just isn't. I would definitely consider reworking it to represent the real car.

      I myself designed this Fiesta for DR2.0 on both the R2 and R5 car. I mean, there are enought images of the real car out there and most of the decals on this mod are just incorrect.

      I design liveries in my spare time as well and I don't have any background in graphic design whatsoever. I taught myself everything in the past two years by the method of 'trial & error'. Personally, I always try to be as accurate as possible because delivering top notch quality should be any designer's priority.

      Besides, if you look up Keane Design on FB, you have an image of his logo which you can easily cut out and used. It doesn't take much time to find out who's logo it is and actually find it.

      Kind regards

  2. I got a Trojan warning from the download page. Be careful guys
