
25. 4. 2021

RBRGal Lights V3

LINK mod RBRGal Lights V3 (by Black-f & Z3tta)

64 komentářů:

  1. Odpovědi

  2. Odpovědi
    1. It is mean Page Up / Page Down key.
      I also cannot understand that words so I pushed the all buttons of keyboard :)

    2. In spanish keyboard páge Up=Avpág and páge down=repag


    4. Baby dont cry tonight (guns N roses) amazing track

  3. Odpovědi

  4. Hi Guys
    Any chance to make the light longer range and brighter please?
    Thanks in advance


  5. This work has been made by me for RBRPro and there is a clear evidence of this. This is a shame. Please remove this post


  7. And nobody cares, because you're a schizoid retard who has stolen plenty of mods without permission. Isn't it funny how that works out in the end?
    Dumb cunt kill yourself already

    1. Tento komentář byl odstraněn autorem.

    2. Your response is a clear evidence of your education and respect. We don't steal other's work and above all we don't pretend to be the authors of others works

    3. All these people whose mods, liveries and codrivers you stole to offer them behind a paywall in your crippleware shitmod must have just imagined it.
      Enjoy your consistent downward trajectory into shitmod obscurity. Don't call it a grave, it's the future you chose :^)


    1. What are you complaining about Carlo? If you use the content of the Czech plugin to earn money with the excuse of "donations". Call yourself to silence now, everyone is tired of your lack of respect and arrogance, you are a simple 51-year-old idiot.

  9. I think we should be really thankful for this beautiful plugin, the guys who created it back in 2006 were clearly very really skilled and also very kind that they gave it to us completely for free, so anybody can use it, modify it, include into his own projects, or even pretend he is the author.

    1. I was wondering that you were not taking the side of some dishonest person. Idiot, I never claimed to have created the plugin. But you are not very honest when you don't recognize that I modified that code.
      Unfortunately this time the idea is not yours and people know it. Sin.
      Do your thing you're good but try to be more loyal and polite.

    2. First you claim an autorship that not yours. The mod is from 2006, you steal it and put a lines of codes you cant say that the mod is yours. Second, you who I told you dont use my cars for commercial purpouses and blocked me of that shame page of facebook, and then still using my cars with your mod, I think people is knowing you my friend. Who we are in RBR comunity since many years know people like you falls off.

    3. Fortunatly you cant block my comment or my account in this page. Best regards.

    4. You are an idiot and I am sorry that you have an in italian name too, I don't sell your cars and RBRPro is not a commercial mod. That's why I blocked your account, you cannot go around by writing that I am making money with your cars. I specified and wrote thousands of times that the donation is for MY CHAMPIONSHIPS, my manager and all the special features it has. If you don't understand what is a codriver engine and a content manager it is only because of your ignorance, not my fault.

    5. Special features, such as being able to drive more than 4 tracks at a time LMAO

    6. Tento komentář byl odstraněn autorem.

    7. what a tough face you have Carlo, the donations are for your championships and your manager, but without the cars and the modders' stages, there are no championships or manager ..., you are ungrateful and a profiteer ...

    8. I just want to point out that in order to avoid any accuse of exploitation of the work of others I created a totally free of charge version of the RBRPro without any special feature, pure content management. This version is RBRPro Lite and you can download it from


    9. Noone cares, stop shilling your crippleware

    10. You dont know read right?, Do not use my cars for ANY comercial mod!!!!I DONT FUCKING CARE IF YOU MADE A LITE VERSION. YOU ARE TRADING WITH MY CARS!!!

    11. you know what I say? since you don't understand what my project is, I don't give a damn about your requests or those of anyone else.
      I will not remove anything from my mod.
      You can keep banging, so are you just jealous or are you people that I have put out of my project and you want a revenge.
      None of you are the masters of the game.
      Don't you recognize what I've done? Do you know when I care?
      All that matters to me is the economic and moral support of the people who appreciate it, of your requests and your envy I am not interested in anything, in the end people will realize that you are just a bunch of envious because my ideas are more original of yours.
      You just stole one and you're here bragging about it, I have the money and you don't ... isn't that what drives you crazy?

    12. I have not envy, of you?? Please!!! We dont dont want people like you in the comunity. I understeand your project perfectly, I dont care because I manipulate the game hoe I like and is three time better that your mod, I dont care you earn money and not me, I want to you stop triding with my job and the others, that is not RBR spirit. Above, you come and say that people stole you a old mod. This is unbelieveable.

    13. You are amaizing guy, bla bla bla, and then you say, well I m going to keep stealing their jobs guys hahahaha. Funny guy.

    14. Carlo, simple question - do you respect laws or not?

  10. He who robs a thief, has a hundred years of forgiveness (Spanish saying)

  11. Tento komentář byl odstraněn autorem.

  12. And what a shame is that you say that this plugin has been developed in 2006 and only today people are discovering that it can be used to emulate true lights thanks to my work? Don't you feel like an idiot to tell people that this plugin already existed since 20 years and somebody is presenting it like a gamechanger?
    Why don't you learn to program and learn the true meaning of the words "open source"?

    1. You dont have arguments that is because just insult people, whith the name, really? You are old guy, please. I told you dont use my cars for ANY commercial purpouse, and you steall making, you dont understeand? Are you insane?did you read the Readme of each car? , No!!! The comunity dont manage like you, I am in RBR since 2007, I saw a lot of guys like you that finished in nothing. I think you must change the philosphy if you want stay and peolple support you. And this, the night mod? Yours? Really????, I have it since 2007. Regards

  13. And well, if it is YOUR amaizing mod, we are waiting that you share it with all community!!! Let me guess, We will fot have to pay for it.I NEVER SAW A MOD OF YOU THAT WE HAVE NOT PAY For it.PD: Dont use my cars for commercial Purpouses!!!!!!

  14. Carlo, your light mod looks like shit on a stick, it looks like you're carrying a flashlight instead of headlights. Stop touching the balls and lie down to sleep. PS: the thief only cries when they rob him, now learn and reflect on what you do during these years

    1. Everybody knows who are you and why you write this. You are just a boy banned from RBRPro who are looking for a revenge, you are losing your time with your attacks

  15. What you read on this site is completely shit coming from haters. People who have been put out of our groups and now come here to seek revenge.
    I give you information since you are ignorant. This site advertises, in addition to RBRPro (present in the links on the side), two mods that for years have used RBR to charge registration fees, not even disguised as donations.
    The "Czech plugin" itself does not own all the contents, developing a plugin does not mean automatically acquiring the rights on all the cars and stages released. And the same Czech plugin (JUST) applies a donationware policy to content creation.
    RBRPro is the project that made RBR known to the world, when instead it was previously confined in a den for idiots who did not understand its potential.
    I understand that you are envious that a pilot is paying me to carry out this project and that in one year I have raised more money than in three years of work. This money was used to develop things and improve the game, including the modified plugin that you are stealing from me today.
    So people will continue to donate to me rather than support the crazy idea that the work on this game must be stolen and put around for free for revenge.

    1. Then maybe you should consider removing the content created by these idiots from RBRPro and watch how people will keep donating...

    2. Really I never see a free mod of you, and you are using mods of others for yours with "donations". Czech plugin needs keep a sever, is logic a donation, server that you use!! You cant come here and make a big scandal with a old mod has been hacked to you!! When you use all fucking mods without permission and ask for money. What is talking about here? Really I want to see a free comtribution of you to the comunity. Then we can talk. Instead, call to the silence. PD: Retire my cars of your mod.

    3. Jimmy Broadbent has introduced more people to RBR with one video than your
      in its entire lifecycle.

      You're delusional. Sad!

    4. the fact that I have managed to collect so many donations only means that you could have done the same and you are so stupid that you have not done so. You could have been a modder instead you are here to gnaw ...
      Poor ....

    5. Well, that is the real Carlo Lovino, finally you put out the mask. I dont want money from this,is my hobbie, is my passion, I want to people return home, take the simulator and have a really nice time. I dont need earn money from this, I m proffesional, and really good professional I can say. Instead you are a simply profiteer that have a short life here, belive me, I saw several like you. Is really sad that the comunity have suffer persons like you, arrogant, profiteer and dicriminator(easy, all peolple read your comment about spanish people). Regards. Pd: Simcontrol, hungary mod and othres are better mods like shit yours so far, so please, and again retire my cars from your smelly mod.

    6. P.S. You cannot even write my name

    7. P.S. 2 "Broadbent" is a clown
      P.S. 3 The hungarian plugin is an hack, not RBRPro

    8. The funny italian narc with its disproportionately shaped head can't help himself but boast about how it's all about grifting money from imbeciles for him

  16. You don't know anything about me, I don't care if what you did you did as a hobby.
    Since you did it as a hobby why should you claim the copyright now, just because you realized it was worth some money?
    If you were smart you applied the donationware policy to your work like so many others do. I couldn't do it, now you wanna take it out on me? If you have a talent, take advantage of it.
    Since you have a job, do it and don't bother others.

  17. I just only want of you, is you you dont come here to make a scandal with mods that not yours and you claim it is, I want to you stop discrimante people, I want stop use my cars for your comercial purposes, that is not RBR spirit, If you want trade, make your own cars!!! Pd: I want to stop liying people in your facebook page that they think you are the god of Rbr, and you make yourself the victim when you are steal them. Latenor early friend in this comunity, people like you, fall of. I saw it.

  18. I will give a short but clear example of how ( RBR Pro) treat new donators . I am new in RBR , I did Pro donator 1 mounth ago ignorant of me looking for a simple way to play . I am Spanish , so in RBR PRO that means I am suspicious, automatically out the Facebook group , banned etc... not before read varios post racist and discriminatory to Spanish people , Korean people and more nationalities, he dont care about. Because the creator has some problems with Spanish person , he cross the line of respect posting racist and discriminatory things ,banned all Spanish donators of the group , talk stupids and personals opinions about nothing above all for the donators that just wanna play and not read his ignorant opinion about from what nationality is his new enemy of the week. Really a shame , If I know this before I give my money to the cz plugin for sure . Good to discover all this true about you and your career in the RBR community .

    1. "RBR community"? Never consider me as part of this shit that you call "RBR community"

    2. Do you sell Salt, Carlo? or does it just naturally leak from your pores?

    3. Well, can you see?? You are not part of this, you will never can be part of this, you dont understeand the RBR spirit, your coments have sentenced to you.

    4. Quote from TGD: "RBR community? Never consider me as part of this shit that you call RBR community"

      TGD, the way you see RBR community and the 15 years of history is very disrespectful. You are just trying to commercialize the work of others (map and car model, skin and audio authors, plugin devs). The RBR community you seem to hate is the community which has kept the game evolving, staying alive and producing real new content for FREE for EVERYONE. Those people have done that out of passion for players like me. Now, what have you done for the RBR community? You are trying to commercialize the work of others. I don't know what laws in your country say about it, but in most countries it is stealing. Any RBRpro user out there should send voluntary donations to real content authors like map, car, plugin and audio authors and not to RBRPro which doesn't send a dime to those real content authors. If you take out all those maps, cars and plugins from RBRPro then what is left? Right... Think about it.

      And the topic of this heated discussion. I believe i have seen this night light mod 10 years ago, so TGD didn't create it unless you did it 10 years ago.

  19. Sorry guys, but the direction of this discussion is not good at all.
    I'm thinking of blocking it if the attacks don't stop.

    1. Myro nechej to prosím běžet, ať si každý může přečíst o co ve skutečnosti autorovi RBRPro jde a koho případně podporují.
      Je mi sice jasné, že naprosté většině lidí je úplně jedno jestli ty věci skutečně vytvořil nebo ukradl (chtějí si prostě jednoduše zajet RBR a na to je RBRPro stále nejlepší), ale rozhodně bych tohle nemazal či neblokoval.

  20. Abandonware is an illegal pirated version in the first place.
    Wrong from the beginning.
    All are outlaw idiots.
    The author, whose data was used for pirated data in the past, was treated as sick by the community in search of deletion.
    Did you understand that person's feelings?

  21. @TGD You asshole you are nothing else, I taught you everything you know about rbr and NGP. You didn't even know how to grab a steering wheel, which you can't do even now. Keep playing with your files.ini and don't piss people anymore who, unlike you, know what "RESPECT" is. So as I've been telling you for a year now and it goes by everyone is getting to know you and taking the piss out of you, you are a clown. I'm just taking back what belongs to me without anyone's help. Goodbye chicken.

  22. TGD Stop using the stolen Greek coDriver and using my photo in it . You are braking the globaly gdbr rules

  23. Its insane That this guy Just came to rbr community to make profit out of it instead of making new people come to sim rallying. You are delusional Old guy. The most funny part is that you want these guys to delete "your plugin"(which is not yours) From this site but when someone That made car mods That you use in your manager said you should delete them from your software hale to read that you wont do this cause he is stupid cause he didnt make them donationware. As a guy that was rbrpro user i thought that you are a nice guy but now this discusion made me think otherwise. You Just want to make money out of it, but i know that your software wont be making money soon as everybody will se your real face.
