
25. 10. 2015

RBRTM night pack

NEW mod RBRTM night pack (by RALLY Guru)
Download: RBRTM

7 komentářů:

  1. Hallo again Rally Guru!
    I just have to ask you if it is possible to use your night pack mod when using Workerbees TrainingDay Plugin? And does it affects all original format tracks?
    Thanks in advanse!

  2. Forgot to add, if you read this ofcourse : )

  3. :) Yes it mut to be possible this is standart weather settings just need to chose hevayclouds_hazzy combination

  4. Ok glad to hear that, i will try it, and thanks for your quick answer !

  5. Works fine on tracks that were in the original game from the beginning, but i do not seem to get it to work on newer tracks in original format : (

  6. The weather combination must use author of new track. If he not used,you don't have it.., but ... you can do it, by it self, just write these settings (can find it on my blog page) with current track ID (every track have own unique ID number) And you can drive it with night settings ;) Thes new settings dont damage your track, so you can used thems free...

  7. That sounds good, and thanks for your help, i will try and se if i manage to make it work : )
