27. 1. 2014

Ai-Petri, Uchan-Su - progress

WIP tracks Ai-Petri, Uchan-Su (classic format tracks by Vasilij Popov)

4 komentáře:

  1. Nejako sa začína klasický formát degradovať na nízku úroveň...

  2. Road itself is really nice, but textures are all the time same... It degrades the quality..

  3. Ahojte,sice je to mimo téma,ale chci se zeptat jestli by mi někdo poradil,kde stáhnout Fiestu WRC nějakou aktuální verzi na kterou bych dal skin
    Prokopa,dík moc za rady, na strankach pluginu jen jen nějaká fyzika ale,žádný model,ale musí být model když, jsou na něho skiny ne?

  4. It is still WIP, dont discourage the guy:) Good work Vasilij, but if you want to make tracks that are memorable, please add some more textures if it is possible:) and work on your track a little longer.This way you will get more positive comments and more fun:) We want to make tracks for RBR unique, after all this is simulation:) Anyway I am sure that every next track will be better and better.Keep on practising and start learning Blender or 3DS MAX:) Do not be discouraged by our words, we just want to help you. Cheers
