21. 4. 2014

BTBfin RX Track Archive 2014

LINK tracks BTBfin RX Track Archive 2014 (BTB tracks by SSTF)
Source: BTBfin_RX_Track_Archive
Info: Velikonoční nadílka od Savo stage teamu obsahuje RZty: Sekola, Saaristo, Oittila, Ehikki, Saalahti, Vellipohja, Rauvanlahti a Urria. Většina i včetně "otočenek" (na obrázku Urria reverse).

4 komentáře:

  1. O.T. - new car? http://rsrbr-brasil.blogspot.it/2013/11/carros-nacionais-para-o-rbr.html#comment-form

    1. Thank you for the good tip. However, I noticed that the article is almost half year old. We'll wait, that will be released a new report ...

    2. Maybe someone can contact them for news...
      I can't comment that post..

  2. Hmm... I like rare rally cars. This Celta is nice... in the real world. But that model from GTA is bad. I think the front lights is are no so tall (in the real car) as in that model. Anyway they made a good work with the conversion! I don't know why didn't they finish/continue the car. :S (the blog post is from 2013 november.)
